Sunday, December 12, 2010

Glossy Grape Pop by China Glaze

Ay bay bay! I thought of purple this morning. Grape Pop is from CG's Up and Away collection spring 2010. She is so glossy and the perfect regal purple. Not too red, not too blue, just rich playful purple on the nail. I remember Scrangie writing that purple is hard to photograph, always comes out blue on screen. And she is so right. This is such a fun hobby though, trying to capture accurate colour of polishes with my little shizen camera. Talk soon love!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

China Glaze Peppermint Cuticle Oil

This little guy is so cute! CG Peppermint Cuticle Oil givese my nails a fun minty scent and leaves my nail beds super soft. It applies like a drink of water for your cuticles. The applicator is a strudy plastic tube at the end of the wand that deposits the perfect amount for one nail after each dip. Here's a fun festive treat for yourself: apply this peppercuticle oil to your unpolished, filed nails right before bed and massage each nail bed with hand cream. It is relaxing and your nails will be pretty and plump the next morning.

I love the colour of the oil in the bottle, looks like grenadine. I need to find a juicy, translucent red jelly shade like Pepper Cuticle Oil this in a polish. Until next time Love!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Enchanting Gem by Nubar

Happy Caturday! I hope you had a nice week. It's the beginning of December and I am in the mood for winter romance. So I had fun shooting the beautiful Gem by Nubar against this blushing cyclamen plant. I wanted Gem because she plays on the greige trend, but with amazing chunky holo glitter. Plus she's a fun grey and pink duo chrome!

I bought several shades from Nubar's Prism collection last summer. I usually notice tip shrinkage with these polishes. Plus the Numbar website does not ship to Canada so I had to buy them on eBay for an inflated price. But who cares! Look at that holo rainbow in the sunlight...

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nicenailgame is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canada License.